Practicing & Touring Seattle

Today, Sunday, I walked to the club, a nice walk of less than 15 minutes and met up with my doubles partner Susan Wright. We warmed up a bit, then played a couple of sets of doubles. Susan was nearly flawless today, serving, returning and volleying like the professional she is.

After we stretched, recovered and had lunch, we headed off to Pike Place Market, the biggest tourist attraction in Seattle, and the 33rd most visited attraction in the world with 10 million visitors according to Travel & Leisure.  It was fun, even though touristy, with lots of fish markets, flower markets and fruits and vegetable vendors.

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We attended the cocktail reception back at the club after our trip to the market. It was clear enough in the afternoon to see Mt. Rainier which is a two hour drive away from the club.

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Tomorrow is the eclipse over the USA. Seattle is supposed to have a 91% coverage around 10:20am and to be pretty clear.

In the tournament, the men start tomorrow and the women on Tuesday.

Draws are here:

Photos are here:

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